Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here and now

Here and now

Here and now in this very moment what are your thoughts, how are you feeling, are you in pain or are you feeling peaceful? In this present moment, eternity is experienced. In the very now, time and space is immaterial if one fully engrossed herself in the activity. In the flow of very present moment the self is forgotten. The self is no more.

What is use of looking back into memory? What’s the use of looking forward in anticipation? Both views are inaccurate and screwed by our own mind and perception. Stop perceiving. Leave the mind alone for a while and watch what happens. For one, I feel rested and rejuvenated. In the emptiness and void of non-thinking and not using any mind, I rest in full trust of the inner nature. In awareness this inner harmony syncs with the outer and all ideas, words, language, description, interpretations are not needed in this time alone. Selflessness is cultivated – even non-beingness.

So long as we are not in full alertness or watchfulness or awareness in the present moment we will hurt ourselves and are not in sync with the inner and outer nature. We bump ourselves, have accidents, make mistakes some big some small.

In the now awareness state, any “bloopers” or mistakes we make are watched and redirected to their individual usefulness. For example, a very experienced croupier can make a mistake and get around it but quickly redirection the attention to the positive aspects of surrounding things and make the blooper seem all to small and human. Even bring laughter into it..

When can you laugh? When can you create? When can you pour yourself enthusiastically? When can you intuit? Now, here at this very moment! And what are the ingredients? Awareness, watchfulness, consciousness, alertness, presence and inner harmony. Sounds good and true? Just try please. What have you got to lose?